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Und genau das ist das Credo von bleyco swiss GmbH: Hands-on!
Wer ist bleyco swiss GmbH?
Wer ist bleyco swiss GmbH?
Wer ist bleyco swiss GmbH?
TOP Thema: Händler unter MDR & IVDR
TOP Thema: Händler unter MDR & IVDR
TOP Thema: Händler unter MDR & IVDR
Der dritte Schritt
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MedTech - Pharma - Cosmetic
Why is packaging necessary?
There are very close interactions and effects between the goods and the packaging system.
And every product places certain more or less pronounced technical and economic requirements on the packaging system.
On one hand, it assumes also a protective function.
On the other hand, it can ensure or even enable the use of the product, e.g. a medical device.
And at the same time it is a "silent seller" of the product.
Thus, packaging plays a key role in the acceptance of the product, because the user comes into contact with the packaging first.
An appropriate packaging / a packaging system makes a product to a product!
And since the exchange of goods cannot take place without packaging, but we all bear a great deal of responsibility for our environment, the issue of sustainability of packaging must be one of the determining factors in the future.
And that means: Be innovative in its conception and courageous in its actions!
bleyco swiss supports you!